Automation and integration of all management operations for protecting and releasing volumes in z/OS tape libraries, while controlling volume transit, security vaults, and external tape libraries.

GFS/AFM is the most advanced tape library manager for the z/OS environment and a leading solution in the market. GFS/AFM automates and integrates all management operations for protecting and releasing volumes in z/OS tape libraries while controlling the transit of volumes, security vaults, and external tape libraries.

Notable for its versatility, GFS/AFM works integrated with other external data managers (TSM, DFSMShsm, etc), supports most robots and virtualization systems on the market, and is easy to use.
GFS/AFM ensures high availability and reduces costs dramatically, eliminating the practice of frequent shutdowns for configuration or maintenance.

GFS/AFM is continually developed, being the only tape library manager that consistently keeps up with advancements made in tape storage technology.

GFS provides conversion programs and services to easily and seamlessly migrate from pre-existing tape management systems to GFS/AFM.

GFS/AFM Benefits

• Maximizes file protection and volume release
• Ensures higher availability of stored data
• Simplifies tape library management for the next generation of mainframe professionals
• Provides high security, eliminating the risk of undue release of volumes
• Continuously enhanced, ensuring the most current solution for your z/OS environment

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